Jeff's Bird Gallery H-M
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Hermit Thrush
A Hermit Thrush eating the berries of a Buckthorn tree in Horicon Marsh NWR - October 10,2006.
July 17, 2007 - At Horicon Marsh, along Hwy 49, a BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON, with a catfish that I didn't think he'd be able to swallow, but he did!

(Pic 1) October 27, 2006 - While driving slowly through Horicon Marsh, on Hwy 49, I came up on this BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON just off the road, with a frog he had
just caught. after quickly stopping, I took this one picture, and looked at it on my LCD screen to see if all the camera settings were
in check. After deciding it was ok to keep shooting, I looked to find that he was well on his way deeper into the marsh.
Pic 2) September 12, 2005 - An immature BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON along Hwy 49 in Horicon Marsh.

This Black-Crowned Night Heron fed on some water bugs in Horicon Marsh NWR - 7-12-03

(Pic 1) July 13, 2006 - A GREAT BLUE HERON with a catfish along Hwy 49 in Horicon Marsh.
(Pic 2) June 17, 2003 - A GREAT BLUE HERON flying across a roadside pond in Green Lake County, WI.

July 1, 2007 - From Highway 49 in Horicon Marsh NWR, an understandably surprised look on a carps face, as a GREAT BLUE HERON grabs it out of the water.

August 22 - An immature GREEN HERON raising its crest, over the excitement of seeing some food (frogs), and then catching a couple. Horicon Marsh NWR.

Soon after, he was perched on a large piece of wood sticking out of the water, where he grabbed a small tadpole from.

Normally found in Central, and South America, this GREEN-BREASTED MANGO has been visiting a feeder in Beloit, WI for about a month, as
of September 20, 2007, when I made the 210-mile round trip to photograph it. For more information, and larger pictures, click on either
thumbnail below.

June 30, 2008 - An adult Rubythoated at some Catmint flowers at Wendy's place just outside Kewaskum.

August 21, 2008 - The Bee Balm is in full bloom at Wendy's house in Kewaskum,and this years hummingbirds are out of the nest, buzzing
around the yard They're not as afraid of me as the adults, so I was able to get some neat close-ups.

A special thanks to my parents, who knew enough to call me when they found a hummingbird nest in the maple tree in their front yard, in Montello, WI. On July 29, 2006, two babies poking out of the nest. I went back for some feeding shots on August 3rd, to find only one surviving baby.

May 2007 - A flock of eight GLOSSY IBISES, considered to be lost (a couple states out of their normal range to the east), hung around
Hwy 49 in Horicon Marsh NWR for a few weeks. A couple photos of one in the cattails on May 23rd, and a close-up of one flying around
with the other seven, on the 24th.

October 22, 2007 - A WHITE-FACED IBIS along Hwy 49 in Horicon Marsh NWR.

Indigo Bunting
An Indigo Bunting in Waushara County - May 15, 2008

A Killdeer sitting on eggs in the parking lot of the Marsh Haven Nature Center (April 28, 2007).

(Belted) Kingfisher
August 27, 2003 - Along the auto tour in Horicon Marsh. A Belted Kingfisher with a small fish. The second shot shows his head tilted, as
he repeatedly drove the fish's head into the branch to kill it. The third shot shows the final gulp.

Spring and Summer of 2009 - To view a separate page, of all my photos of the loon family on Silver Lake, in Eagle River, WI, click on any of the three
thumbnails below.

June 17, 2005 - An uncommon treat in Horicon Marsh, this immature Common Loon hung around along Hwy 49 for a week or so.

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